
Welcome to dinner info Center

where you can find information about MBCM annual Dinner



"Celebration Twelfth - בת מצווה"


Our 12th Annual Dinner 


On Sunday י"ד שבט - February 9th - הבעל"ט


 Rabbi Dovid (Duddy) And Mrs. Chanie



The Dinner will held in Valley Terrace hall

- AKA YSV Boys - 

121 College Road, Suffern, New York

6:30 Buffet - 7:30 Program begins


Dinner Reservations And Ad - please click Here

Current MBCM parents - please click  here  

Bobby and Zaidy section - please click  here

MBCM Alumni
- please click
here to join us

Journal Ad - ONLY - please  click  Here  (please choose this option only if you won't be able to attend)

  For Pictures of the past dinner

and past years Dinners info, Click here

We would really appreciate if you can give us suggestion and feedback about the dinner, that enable us to continue making our dinner enjoyable to all. please click here for your input.